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Framework: Programmatic SEFF Support ‐ Supporting SEFF market readiness

div. Länder

Under its Green Economy Financing Facilities (GEFF), the EBRD has developed a streamlined technology‐driven lending approach based on a list of eligible standardised components, equipment, appliances, materials, products, and/or engineering systems. In several countries GEFFs have been rolled out so far including Armenia, Egypt, Georgia, Jordan, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Serbia, Tajikistan and Tunisia to create financial markets for climate‐related product lending.

Under the first two phases of this call‐off, KPC has designed and implemented a web‐based tool (the Technology Selector) in partnership with the EBRD and through contracting IT experts. In May 2018, the EBRD officially launched the Technology Catalogue, an online shopping‐style platform that lists best‐in‐class technologies from manufacturers around the world. The catalogue serves as a basis for the single ‘Technology Selectors’, which are country‐specific directories of vendors that offer these high‐performing technologies to businesses and homeowners and assists lending of participating financial institutions under the respective GEFF.

This Technology Catalogue is a global directory of high‐performing technologies offered by technology manufacturers across all countries and will encourage them and local vendors to make climate technologies more easily available on the ground. The technologies include energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies ranging from solar panels and biomass boilers to thermal insulation and process technologies. New technologies may be registered at any time. Filtering by country shows the technologies that meet the minimum performance criteria for that country but not all these technologies may be available through local vendors – which is where the Technology Selectors can help.

In the currently running third phase of the call‐off, KPC is responsible for the maintenance, further development as well as roll‐out and marketing of the Technology Selector, which will take the GEFF approach to a next level.

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Kommunalkredit Public Consulting GmbH, Türkenstrasse 9, 1092 Vienna, Austria

Framework: Programmatic SEFF Support ‐ Supporting SEFF market readiness
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